In honor of Thanksgiving, this week's favorite thing: all the people who have supported me since I became a running-obsessed crazy person
My Family:
My mom started running about the same time I did. Since then, we've run the Race Against Hate 10K, the Hot Chocolate 15K, the North Shore Half Marathon, and the Tavern to Tavern 5K. Most of those races we ran separately (I'll be honest, she whupped me in that first 10K) but we ran the North Shore Half together, and it was probably the most fun I've ever had during a race. She also joined me for miles 20-25 of this year's Chicago Marathon, which is the only reason I finished in under five and a half hours. I believe our on-course conversation went something like this:
Mom: I'll give you $5 if you start running instead of walking.
Me: Do you think I'm still 10 years old? Not worth it!
Mom: Isn't this fun? Everyone is cheering!
Me: Where the !@#% is the next mile marker??
Looking pretty good post-15K, if I do say so myself. Must have been the chocolate. |
Mom's first (and probably only) half marathon -- she looks so happy now that it's over! |
Mom pacing me through Chinatown |
My sister isn't super into running, but she's always been the athletic one in the family, so she had no problem joining in for a few 5Ks. She's started running a little more lately, and even agreed to be on my Reach the Beach relay team! Plus she let me
buy her running gear for her birthday this year, which I think I was way more excited about than she was.
Race Against Hate -- can you tell who ran the 5K instead of the 10K? |
My dad thinks running when you aren't trying to catch a ball or being chased by something is just stupid, but he's supported me through all of my racing adventures anyway. I don't have any running-related pictures of him because he's always the one taking them! Dad came to the Chicago Marathon course to cheer for me, pulled the car around as close to Grant Park as he could to pick me up, and then went out to buy me about 20 lbs of ice after the race. And I can't forget all of the pre-race pasta dinners and post-race pizza and beer celebrations my parents have taken me out for!
And then there's my brother, who contributed to my marathon effort by helping me hydrate the day before the race.
He didn't even make fun of me for drinking Gu Brew instead of beer |
Even my extended family has gotten in on the action, asking me about races, following me on twitter, and liking all of my running adventures on facebook.
My Local Runner Friends:
If it weren't for one of them convincing me to run the B.A.A. 5K in 2010 and another convincing me to sign up for the 2011 Disney's Princess half marathon shortly thereafter, plus inspiring me with her kick-ass marathon performances, none of this would have happened. (You've created a monster!) From local 5Ks to trips to Disney World to (hopefully) Reach the Beach, these guys really make racing weekends fun. Especially the part where we go out for food and beer afterwards. Some of my housemates even have a once-a-week running group, which gives me a reason to jump out of bed and run first thing in the morning. They push me to run faster than I would otherwise, and they make pretty awesome post-run breakfast companions.
Post-race at the Tufts 10K, where I learned that training really does pay off |
Freezing our butts off before the NYC half |
Hanging out at the Tavern to Tavern 5K post-race party |
The Online Running Community:
I've been amazed at the support I've gotten from other runners on Twitter and Daily Mile, many of whom have never even met me. And some of whom have and are totally awesome and would fall in the local runner friends group if I could just move back to Chicago (I'm looking at you, McL). Their training tips and injury advice have probably kept me from killing/maiming myself on multiple occasions, and their general encouragement and amazing accomplishments make me want to keep going, even when I'm exhausted.
My Non-Runner Friends and Coworkers:
They ask about my races and my training, and make me feel like I'm doing something impressive every time I go for a long run. And they don't even judge me for the massive quantity of food I eat while I'm in training. Honestly, I'm constantly amazed that they still tolerate my company given how often I talk about running and how annoying it is.
A huge, huge thank you to everyone who made 2011 such a great running year for me. Bonus points to those of you who actually read this far :)