Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Monday Mileage Report (Wednesday Edition)

I really am going to get back into my normal running/blogging routine eventually.  But for now, here's a  Wednesday edition of my usual Monday Mileage Report.

Last week I finally returned to something resembling a normal training week:
Monday - Got dressed to go to the pool, then realized it was closed.  Oops.
Tuesday - 4 mi @11:14
Wednesday - 7.5 mi @12:43
Thursday - 3.25 mi @11:22, 15 min strength workout
Friday - rest
Saturday - 5.25 mi @11:01
Sunday - 13.25 mi @12:30
Total: 33 miles

The most interesting run of the week was definitely Sunday, when I decided to try my first long run in three weeks despite the fact that temperatures were in the low teens with decently strong winds.  Turns out this was a HORRIBLE IDEA.
Tights, two shirts, jacket, glove/mittens, hat, scarf tube thingie = still not enough
My plan was to start with my usual 12 mile loop between the Arsenal St and Longfellow brides, and then add my three-to-four mile loop through Harvard Square.  I felt great for the first half of the run, but then my camelbak hose froze solid so I had no water and couldn't take my second gu.  As I was starting the second loop around mile 12.5, I realized that I absolutely couldn't take another 30 minutes outside, so I bailed and cut through the Square to pick up Chipotle for lunch (I still have my priorities, people).  By the time I got home I was exhausted, nauseated, and had really bad pain in my fingers.  I stumbled up to my apartment and spent the next hour sitting on the couch shivering uncontrollably while I tried to drink tea and eat my lunch.  Eventually I pulled it together and took a hot shower, which finally warmed me up enough to function like a normal person (as normal as I ever am, anyway).  So I got my long-run miles in, but I don't think I'll be trying to run in those conditions again anytime soon.

Yesterday I met with my new physical therapist to figure out what's going on with my left leg.  She confirmed that it's probably patellar tendonitis and said that since resting isn't an option right now in the middle of marathon training (best PT ever!) I should ice after every run and try not to aggravate it too much outside of training.  She also did McConnell taping on my knee, which apparently realigns the patella and feels really, really weird.  But after the appointment I did four miles on the treadmill without too much pain, so I'm not complaining.

Today I finally pulled up my marathon training calendar to see how much damage I've done and try to get back on track.  I think I'm going to be able to salvage the training cycle and even get in my two 20 milers, but I'll scale back if the leg starts to give me too much trouble again.  Here's the plan for this week:

GA: 4 mi
PT exercises
MSD: 8 mi
GA: 4 mi
PT exercises
Pace: 8 mi
LSD: 16 mi

40 mi

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