Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Recap

Running-wise, 2012 wasn't exactly the year I'd hoped for.  I spent quite a bit of time in physical therapy and various doctor's offices, ran a couple of really bad races, and got my first (and second) DNS.  But I accomplished a few things, too.  I finished fourteen races: four 5Ks, one 5 miler, two 10Ks, three half marathons, one full marathon, two 200 mile team relaysone obstacle course mud run.  I ran 882 miles, cycled 154 miles, and swam 6 miles (at least according to daily mile).  I bought a bike, signed up for a swim class, and met a bunch of amazing runners.

Just for fun, let's see how I did against a few of my 2012 goals:

Run a sub-4:45 marathon: Not quite.  But I did run one more and set a new PR by over 17 minutes.  This one is staying on the list.

Run a sub-2:00 half marathon: Epic fail.  The half was not my race this year.  Ran a solid race at Disney in February, finishing in 2:11:04 during the hardest stretch of marathon training, but had two miserable 2:30+ finishes over the summer in some very hot conditions.  Two hours may have been a bit ambitious, but I'll keep working on it.

Compete in a long-distance relay: WIN!  I actually did two of these: Reach the Beach MA in May and Reach the Beach NH in September, and both were amazing experiences.  So proud of my Pretty (Speedy) in Pink girls for our second place finish in our rookie year!

Compete in a sprint triathlon: Nope.  But I did buy a road bike and take a triathlon swim class, so I'm working on it.

Strength train at least two times a week: Nope.  But I did go to a bunch of physical therapy strength sessions!

Cardio cross train at least once a week: Once a week, no.  But I did mix things up a bit with some real cycling and swimming workouts.

Listen to my body: Getting there.  I still did too much injured running, but I also made the extremely difficult decision to sit out this year's Chicago Marathon.

Maintain a social life: WIN!  I won't elaborate on this one :)

Get my masters degree: FAIL.  Still have those incomplete papers to write ...

Make consistent progress on my dissertation: I don't know about consistent, but I did finally defend a prospectus, so we'll count it.

Back tomorrow with my goals for 2013!

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