The other weekend I went to San Francisco to watch S run his first marathon ever (spoiler alert: he kicked ass) and to visit one of my best friends from school who's spending his summer at Berkeley doing research.
Coming down the hill before mile 20. I think S is in there somewhere ... |
I was super nervous about trying to solo-spectate in a city I didn't know (especially after my
Boston spectating fail), so instead of risking a confusing public transit system I laced up my Adrenalines and used the course map and my phone to plot out a route that would take my from my hotel to to the point where the course turned into Golden Gate park (right before the half) to mile 20 in a short enough time that I could comfortably catch S at both points. Long story short, the route worked perfectly and there weren't many spectators out, so we had no trouble spotting each other both times. S had a great race, finishing his first 26.2 in 3:36 on a not-exactly-flat course. He didn't even make me carry him after the race and only yelled at me a few times when I made him take an ice bath.
S had to head to the airport a few hours after the race, so I headed to the Marina to catch up with my old roommate, her husband, and their adorable English bulldog. Then I met up with my Harvard buddy and spent a few days drinking beer exploring Berkeley, San Francisco, and Point Reyes.
But now, the part you've all been waiting for. My weekend in food photos!
Super Mario sandwich from Ike's Place -- meatballs, marinara and mozzarella sticks! |
The Mousetrap grilled cheese sandwich from The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen |
AMAZING carnitas nachos from a random roadside convenience store/deli/taco stand in Point Reyes |
And last but certainly not lease, YOGURTLAND. I can't even explain how excited I was when I saw a Yogurtland. The Cali running bloggers I follow talk about it all the time (I'd even heard about the Hello Kitty spoons and cups) and I pretty much freaked out when I walked inside. It was like I'd died and gone to fro yo heaven.
Red velvet cupcake batter, double cookies and cream, and some kind of chocolate with Kit Kats, cookie dough, and Butterfingers. And a penguin spoon. |
And one non-food photo. Gotta love that fog!
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