Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4: Crew Season

This was supposed to be a "recovery" week, but the peak of intramural crew season had a different idea.  In addition to the normal schedule, I had an hour long crew practice on Tuesday morning and our first "race" (qualifying time trial heats) on Thursday morning -- which meant four days in a row of two-a-days!

Swim -- 1.5
Bike -- 47.3
Run -- 14.4

The major development this week was taking the bike outside for the first time this season.  I was nervous, since riding with clipless pedals anywhere near traffic massively freaks me out, but it went much more smoothly than expected.  I'm getting much better at clipping in, and didn't have any near misses clipping out this time (compared to the approximately 1.75 close calls per ride I averaged in my few rides with them last summer).  As usual, I got about 30 minutes into the ride before I realized that the really annoying headwind was actually created by me moving forward at 15+ mph.  Someday I'll get used to it, I guess!  Good news was that riding outside seems to be slightly less uncomfortable than riding on the trainer, for some reason.

I'm also trying to be a little better about my nutrition, making sure at least some of my calories are healthy instead of just eating a lot of food.  And I've started thinking about what I'll be able to to eat before and during the race, so I'm experimenting with shotbloks, gu, bonk breakers, etc.
Soup + Salad + Bread is better than pizza, I guess ...
Got a free sample of this at the B.A.A. 5K -- tasty, but also basically apple sauce
No race this Sunday, but it was still a pretty packed day.  I've never had to worry about what time the pool opens on weekends before! (answer is 9am)  But the early(ish) swim was total worth it, because it was followed by this:
Tavern brunch buffet!  There may or may not have been chocolate cake, too.
Game four!
Free (gigantic) tshirt!
Lil Phunk!
I was NOT super excited about heading out for a run after the game (especially after I came home to a bunch of dog vomit) but I got most of the mileage in at a faster than expected pace.

Here's the plan for this week:

The main change was another crew race today (we kicked butt, in case anyone was wondering).  It was a hard workout and an early wake up, which means today didn't really feel like a rest day.  I'm debating scrapping tomorrow's trainer ride to give my body a real chance to recover before diving into the hardest week yet.  I'm also realizing that 5.5-7 hrs of sleep per night is NOT cutting it on this training schedule.  Getting 8-9 hrs per night is going to be a priority in the coming weeks.  So with that, I'm off to bed!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 3: What A Week It's Been

Well, last week was quite a week [warning - explicit language].  I'm pretty much exhausted, emotionally and otherwise, so I'm going to keep this one short.  If you're really curious, you can find details of the individual workouts on my dailymile profile.

This week's total mileage:
Swim -- 1.2 mi
Bike -- 52.1 mi
Run -- 16.6 mi

This week's workouts were pretty much on schedule, aside from Friday's swim, which I had to scrap because of the shelter in place order.  I had big plans to finally get the bike outside for Saturday's 30 mile ride, but ended up back on the trainer when my afternoon was taken up by the rescheduled Bruins game, which J just happened to have tickets to.

Trainer ride was miserable, but this was worth it
I rewarded myself for the trainer awfulness with some post-ride pad thai #yum
This week is a "recovery" week in the plan, which I'm pretty excited about.  Especially because I'm going to have to add in at least two crew outings -- one practice and one time trial race!

That's it for now - hope everyone has a good week!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 2: Boston

I don't have a lot to say about what happened yesterday at the Boston Marathon.  It was tragic and horrible.  After spending the early afternoon watching the race at Chestnut Hill Ave (between mile markers 22 and 23) I was on my way to meet my runner at the finish area when I started to realize something bad had happened.  I spent a scary 20 min or so walking through Back Bay with an uncharged cell phone, emergency vehicles and personnel everywhere, and no idea how bad things were or where in the last miles of the course my boyfriend had been when the explosions occurred.  But we were lucky, and neither of us had made it to Boylston -- my Green Line train had stopped at BU East and he was stopped on the course before the Mass Ave underpass, less than a mile short of crossing his first marathon finish line.  It was a disappointing, unbelievably sad end to what should have been a great event on a happy day.  But I'm incredibly thankful that all of our friends and family members are safe and were quickly accounted for.  Thank you to everyone who called/texted/emailed/facebooked to check on me, and to the nice doorman who let me charge my phone in his building's lobby so I could get some information and let everyone know I was ok.  My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by yesterday's events, especially those who were injured or killed and their families and friends.  While there are a lot of questions and very few answers at this point, one thing we know for sure is that there will be more races -- we will keep running, and we will keep cheering for friends, family members, and total strangers.  So with that in mind, on to a recap of last week's training (including the B.A.A. 5K on Sunday) and a preview of what's on the schedule for the week ahead.

Last week's total mileage:
Swim -- 1.5 mi
Bike -- 46.5 mi
Run -- 14.6 mi

We also had our first crew practice on the water on Tuesday, which was a fun extra workout. Like last week, I was completely exhausted most of the time I wasn't working out.  But this week I wasn't hungry all the time (even lost my appetite for a while) and actually started to feel tired in some of the workouts, especially the last swim.

Eating most of this ridiculous ice cream cake may have had something to do with me never wanting to eat again
Once again, the highlight of the week was Sunday's race, this time the B.A.A. 5K.  But first I should back up to Saturday, which started with a trip to the marathon expo for number pickup before my afternoon 25 mile trainer ride.
Race bib!
Believe it or not I actually didn't spend any money at this one
But I did manage a sneaky Ryan Hall photo
And picked up my already-paid-for race shirt
I wasn't expecting much from the race, since a) I hate 5Ks and b) my legs were already exhausted.  But I'd had an amazingly fast 3+ mile run on Friday, so I decided go for it anyway.  I lined up at the beginning of the 9 min pace group and started running.  And somehow a slightly sub-9 pace didn't feel too bad!  J was waiting for me at the corner of Charles and Beacon, and snapped this amazing action shot before I shoved my unneeded (but totally awesome) polka dot running jacket at him.
Running is fun!
The course was pretty crowded, and I never really had room to run until the last quarter mile, at which point I felt like I was going to puke if I pushed the pace any harder.  I even stopped at the first water station (which I never do these days) because I hadn't had anything to drink that morning and the pack slowed down so much going through I figured I might as well get some water out of it!  Bottom line was that the second mile (including the water break) was a bit slower but overall I held on to the pace for my second-fastest 5K ever with an official time of 28:01.
Thankful for a happy memory of crossing this finish line
The splits were slightly off because my gps picked up some significant extra distance with all the turns on the course, which was too crowded to run tangents very well.  But I'm pretty happy with them.

Then after a quick stop to change into a dry shirt and scarf a chocolate chip bagel and bottle of Gatorade (yummy!) I jogged the four-ish miles back to Cambridge, changed into my swimsuit, and went to the pool for an exhausted 1000 yd swim.  After which I met one of my best friends (who was in town for the marathon and is a super awesome runner) for a 2+ hour brunch, and then met up with J and friends for a pre-marathon pasta dinner.  It was an exhausting but wonderful day.

Coming up this week, more of the same, with slight mileage increases.

I had mixed feelings about whether to join #runforboston with a run today.  At first I wanted to stick to the plan and just ride my bike.  To not let this horrible event disrupt my training in any way.  But then was driving down Storrow Dr when I saw a runner in a yellow Boston Marathon shirt on the Esplanade and I almost started sobbing in my car.  I wanted to be out there.  So I compromised.  I rode the trainer for the planned 40 minutes (sprints and all), and then took my new B.A.A. shirt for a run around the block.  I know it didn't change anything, but it felt pretty good.

Sweaty Selfie!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 1 Survival and a Cambridge City Run Recap

I survived the first week!  Definitely got a little preview of how difficult this training is going to be.  Only a few days in I turned into a bottomless pit for food and by the end of the week I was exhausted.  I'm not sure I've ever been as excited about a rest day as I was today!

Friday: so proud of myself for taking a break from burritos for a big bowl of pasta with veggies I decided to take a picture

Bringing the weekly total mileage to:
Swim -- 1.3 mi
Bike -- 40.1 mi
Run -- 15.3 mi

I'm trying to be good about fitting in some of my PT strengthening exercises while I'm sitting around watching tv, but a) there isn't a lot of sitting around watching tv time these days, and b) if there is it's because I'm too exhausted to move!

I also had a slight freak out when I looked at the official race website and saw the time cutoffs for the legs of the race. From the start of the final wave, the closing time for the swim is 1 hr 10 min, the bike 5 hr 30 min, and the run 8 hr 30 min.  I was thinking it would take me about 7 hrs 30 min to finish the race, but I have literally NO IDEA whether I'm going to be able to make those cutoff times, especially on the swim.  I'm trying not to let the cutoffs make me too time-obsessed during training, but it's not easy!

The highlight of the week was definitely the Cambridge City Run on Sunday morning.

The morning didn't get off to a great start when I woke up exhausted after less than 5 hrs of sleep thanks to a combination of the NCAA tournament schedule and a ridiculous shortage of cabs in Boston on Saturday night.  But it was a beautiful morning (just a little windy) and I was feeling ok by the time I jog/walked the 2.5 miles from my apartment to the start of the race at Fresh Pond.

I met up with a (much faster) friend at the start, and a few minutes later the gun sounded and we shuffled across the line with several hundred of our new friends.  The course was pretty crowded, especially toward the middle where the 3 mile walk course joined up with the run course, but dodging people was actually a nice distraction and it felt great to actually be passing people for a change! I didn't think I would be able to keep up with said faster friend for long, but she was planning on an easy run and I somehow gutted it out until the last mile.  I usually complain about running with other people, especially with faster people, but after a week of solo training this was a really nice change.  By mile 4 my legs were completely done and not willing to put up with any change in elevation.  I remembered a pretty decent hill in the last mile, so I told my running buddy to go ahead while I stopped at the water station and took a little break.  I slowed waaay down and walked part of the last hill, but still managed to finish without slacking off the pace too much (splits are a tiny bit off because my watch recorded 5.06 miles total)

 My official time was 49:30, but I think that must be gun time instead of net time because my watch had 48:43.  Either way, a better performance than I expected after a full week of training with a 20 mile ride the day before!

After the race, things got even better.  We met up with another friend (and former Reach the Beach teammate!) for brunch at Johnny D's in Davis Square.
They had me at "parrot mimosa". 
The parrot mimosa in it's natural post-race environment.  Tropical mimosa >> beet juice.
Eggs, toast, home fries, cheese grits, AND chocolate chip banana bread pancakes? Yes, please!
Ladies brunching
This photo doesn't do justice to the amount of ridiculously bright running gear present
After brunch, I was NOT excited about having saved the swim for the last workout of the week.  All I wanted to do was pass out on the couch and catch up on tv.  But after a brief digestion break, I headed to the pool (the fancy one I hadn't tried yet!) and got my laps in, including a full 300 yds with flipturns and no breaks, which was a first.

Here's what's up for this week:

Plus at least one crew practice and the B.A.A. 5K as part of Sunday's run.  Back next week with the report!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

70.3 Training: Week 1

It's April, which means it's finally time to start my training plan for Ironman 70.3 Racine!

Here's the plan for this week:

And, of course, this week's wild cards:
  • an intramural crew team tank training session on Wed
  • the Cambridge City Run 5 miler on Sunday
The tank session shouldn't actually be much of a workout.  We'll probably spend more time getting grilled on our seat numbers than actually rowing, so I'm planning to add it to Wednesday's scheduled swim and run.  The boathouse is conveniently located on the river (shocking, I know) so I should be able to go straight from rowing to running.

For the weekend, I'm planning to do the swim planned for Sunday on Saturday morning, then meet a runner friend for packet pickup and lunch, then get in my 20 mile bike ride.  Haven't decided whether use the trainer or take the bike outside for the first time this season -- will depend on the weather and who I can convince to join me (I still can't fix a flat and don't trust myself not to bite it with my still-new-to-me clipless pedals, so I don't like to do long rides alone).  Then Sunday will be the five mile race with a possible 1-2 mile warm-up jog to or from the start.  Or I'll be too tired from Saturday and take the bus ...

Back next week with a report on week 1 and a preview of week 2 of the plan!  And after repeated demands from "the people" (coughcoughkatiecoughcough) I will eventually post some sort of Austin recap.  Really.  Promise.