Tuesday, April 2, 2013

70.3 Training: Week 1

It's April, which means it's finally time to start my training plan for Ironman 70.3 Racine!

Here's the plan for this week:

And, of course, this week's wild cards:
  • an intramural crew team tank training session on Wed
  • the Cambridge City Run 5 miler on Sunday
The tank session shouldn't actually be much of a workout.  We'll probably spend more time getting grilled on our seat numbers than actually rowing, so I'm planning to add it to Wednesday's scheduled swim and run.  The boathouse is conveniently located on the river (shocking, I know) so I should be able to go straight from rowing to running.

For the weekend, I'm planning to do the swim planned for Sunday on Saturday morning, then meet a runner friend for packet pickup and lunch, then get in my 20 mile bike ride.  Haven't decided whether use the trainer or take the bike outside for the first time this season -- will depend on the weather and who I can convince to join me (I still can't fix a flat and don't trust myself not to bite it with my still-new-to-me clipless pedals, so I don't like to do long rides alone).  Then Sunday will be the five mile race with a possible 1-2 mile warm-up jog to or from the start.  Or I'll be too tired from Saturday and take the bus ...

Back next week with a report on week 1 and a preview of week 2 of the plan!  And after repeated demands from "the people" (coughcoughkatiecoughcough) I will eventually post some sort of Austin recap.  Really.  Promise.


  1. Ahemmmmmmmmitsabouttimeaheeeeeeeeeeeeeem

    1. Sorry, I was busy hanging out with someone I never ever get to see anymore :P
