Tuesday, July 10, 2012

(Late) Monday Mileage Report

Totally forgot to write this up yesterday (oops) but my scores of screaming fans quickly reminded me that I owed them a post.  So here we go!

Last week's runs (if you're really interested you can click the links for my workout comments on dailymile):
Mon - Cross training extra walk with Klaus
Tue - 3.21 mi @ 9:55 pace (GA)
Wed - 6.01 mi @ 11:52 pace (fartlek)
Thu - 3.24 mi @ 11:38 pace (EZ) 
Fri - Rest
Sat - 6.01 mi @ 10:40 pace (MP)
Sun - 12.02 mi @ 12:34 pace (LSD)

I also successfully fed myself for over a week, and only resorted to chipotle once!  A few highlights (clearly I need to work on the photography if I'm going to be a food blogger):
Peanut butter banana breakfast (it's possible there were originally two of them)
Big ole salad.  I didn't want to wash a bowl so I used the spinach container ...
One of my favorite meals -- broccoli and cheese baked potato!
4th of July apple pies (I didn't eat all of it, I swear)
Kraft mac n cheese is still delicious.  I also had peas so I could feel all healthy like .
Mom and Dad sent frozen Malnati's pizza for my birthday!
And I got a birthday cupcake.  Plus a "pupcake" for Klaus, of course
Trader Joe's Chicken Chow Mein -- apparently non-Italian pasta works for carb loading, too!
Klaus's favorite treat is an ice cube (he's got one between his paws).  Weirdo ...
This week is a stepback week, which I'm hoping to use as a chance to step up my game on the cross training, strength work, foam rolling, and stretching I've been skimping on up to this point.
Mon - Cross training
Tue - 3 mi GA
Wed - 5 mi Yasso 800s
Thu - 3 mi EZ 
Fri - Rest
Sat - 6 mi MP
Sun - 9 mi LSD

That's right, this week things are getting really crazy and I'm contemplating trying out these Yasso 800s I keep hearing so much about.  My goal marathon pace of 10:45 translates to about a 4:40 total time, so this week I'm going to use Wednesday's run to try for five 800s at 9:20 pace (so in 4 min 40 seconds).  The idea is that by the end of the training cycle I'll have built up to ten 800s at that pace.  Sounds a little crazy right now, but hopefully I'll get there!


  1. Alrighty here are my sandwich ideas, none of them require slicing =)

    Fluff with almonds/peanuts and raisins. It's like trail mix in a sandwich. Chocolate pieces of course welcome but they just don't seem lunch like.

    Cream Cheese and jelly

    Hummus with a roasted red pepper from a jar, olive spread.

    1. Cream cheese and jelly (on a toasted bagel) is my favorite breakfast in the dining hall!

  2. Another idea, Apple Sandwiches with Granola, Peanut Butter, and chocolate chips.

